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ShapiroCM Summer Outing

We are an adventurous and flexible group. Our original plan was to kayak and canoe the Delaware River as our company summer outing. With the river running high and thunderstorms in the forecast, we decided to hike New Jersey's High Point State Park instead.

The monument trail took us to the highest point in the state, over looking the river valley in Pennsylvania and New York.

Project Manager Scott O'Neil and his wife drove from Syracuse to join us. Other employees and family members on the trip were from the New York metro area, working either in the City or our Far Hills, New Jersey office.

The hike was approximately four miles. Those who weren't up to the climb on foot were able to drive to the monument and take in the spectacular views.

Project Engineer Abhi Gunjal, had been the member of a hiking club that climbed to the highest peak in 11 states. On Sunday he add the highest peak in New Jersey to his list! Just 38 more to go Abhi!

We concluded the day with a dinner in Milford, PA. just as heavy thunderstorms set in.

A big thanks to the wait staff at Apple Valley Family Restaurant for putting up with our large hungry and thirsty group and for helping us to sing "Happy Birthday" to our Business Manager Holly Fisher.

Everyone had a great time - even if they didn't make it home in time to catch the beginning of the last episode of Game of Thrones.


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